Abura Soba Yamatoten

at PIK Avenue provides Food & Beverage and so on.

Visit Abura Soba Yamatoten - PIK Avenue at:

Floor: 2F, Dotonbori

Unit: T7

If you have trouble finding it, you can ask our Concierge, Security, or Staff that you can find all over the Mall. Check our facilities.

"Ramen" is a Japanese national dish. It's easy, cheap, delicious, and has a variety of personalities depending on the store. In recent years, the Tsukemen boom has been added, and there is no sign of decline. And now, a new page of history is added here. This is the final form of modern ramen culture Abura Soba

The noodles are 100% domestically produced Hokkaido wheat and 100% domestically produced Hokkaido extremely aged noodles!

The special sauce is a secret additive-free three-year soy sauce sauce!
Homemade chili oil is a hot topic! "Eat chili oil"!
The variation is infinite customization "I like it! I like it!"!

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